“Affiliate Commission Engine” Video
0 Comments Published by admin on Sunday, May 03, 2009 at 10:00 PM.This video will show you how to create an “Affiliate Commission Engine” that can generate affiliate marketing income on auto-pilot.
To watch the video click here.
Get Traffic Secrets 2.0! Learn how to GENERATE TONS OF TARGETED TRAFFIC to your Website. Mage Money the easy way. Very affordable. Watch free Videos here!
Labels: Opportunity.com, Video
The site will have a full-time research team that will constantly scour the Internet to report back to you with the latest trends, market research, keyword activity, what the ‘hot’ affiliate opportunities are at any given time, and much much more.
Opportunity.com will contain tons of step-by-step tutorials that will teach anyone how to start, grow, and explode Affiliate Marketing income.
EVERY BUSINESS should be generating some of its revenue from Affiliate Marketing. So if you have an existing business, Opportunity.com will make it easy to tap into your market for additional income. (And show you how to scale that income each month.)
If you don’t yet have your own fun-to-run income-producing online business, Opportunity.com will show you how to start making money right away from scratch.
Opportunity.com will be the ultimate resource for finding new affiliate programs and CPA offers. It will help you discover lucrative new opportunities before ‘the masses’ do so you can make easy ‘first mover’ income; as many popular offers get saturated once too many people are promoting them.
Opportunity.com will teach you the flexibility of being able to ‘mine’ different opportunities in different markets at the same time. The sky really is the limit for the potential of the estimated $7 Billion a year Affiliate Marketing industry.
Stay tuned for more info! :)
Income.com Update: We’ll be rolling out the main Income.com Media & Community site as soon as we finish the development. It’s been a long time in the works but we hit a few programming snags along the way. We’re now in the late stages of development and getting closer to completion.
~by John Reese
Get Traffic Secrets 2.0! Learn how to GENERATE TONS OF TARGETED TRAFFIC to your Website. Mage Money the easy way. Very affordable. Watch free Videos here!
Labels: Opportunity.com
The Hyper VRE Spyware Issue! Matt Callen's Comment On A Previous Article!
0 Comments Published by admin on Saturday, January 20, 2007 at 4:10 PM.Hello,
This is the creator of HyperVRE, Matt Callen speaking. I thought I'd post a reply to some of the comments listed on this blog regarding HyperVRE and spyware.
There is absolutely NO "spyware" associated with HyperVRE. HyperVRE requires a connection to our database server everytime it is run in order to recognize ONLY if the user is a registered Gold or Free member. If they are a Gold member, then their affiliate ID information is retrieved from our database for that Gold user to use when they proceed through the steps of HyperVRE. Absolutely no spyware is found within HyperVRE, so there are no worries regarding that.
In response to the statements about the complexity of HyperVRE and how difficult the author feels that it is to use... There are 4 step-by-step demo videos, an instructional step-by-step help manual, and a Private members forum that all help the HyperVRE user in their progress through the software. It is set up with a Wizard-like interface to help the user proceed through each step. THe complexity of the software is only due to the fact that there are so many customizable features included with it. HyperVRE allows a user to build a site so unique that is can be completely different from any other HyperVRE user's site. In the simplest of terms, HyperVRE is an *extremely* user-friendly software that contains some very backend complex features. ;)
I hope that this reply helps to clear up some eyebrows that may have been raised by some readers. Just know that all "spyware" comments are completely false.
All the best,
Matt Callen
HyperVRE creator
John Reese About To Launch The Biggest Project The Internet Marketing World Has Ever Come Across In The Year 2007: INCOME.COM !
1 Comments Published by admin on Thursday, January 18, 2007 at 4:06 PM.SO.....
All I can say for now is that you don't want to miss out on this. I am 100% sure income.com will blow everyone's mind, and i mean everyone's! Want to know why am so sure of this? Well, your question is perfectly legitimate. Well, here's one simple answer:
Speaking out of personal experience, i know when it comes down to John Reese, following happens: Most (nearly all) successful internet marketers mostlikely have heard of John Reese. He's widely respected and even loved. All that for one single reason: He's pure gold! Everybody is keen on knowing what his next step, and his next step, and his next step is going to be. Wanna know why this is so? Money & Profits! Every word spoken out of his mouth could absolutely make you more money right now: (Psss: Pipeline Profits - Heard of it?)Are you asking me if I am in love with this man ? :) No, not really, this just shows for how real John Reese actually is and isn't that the whole reason why i have created this blog around him in the first place? As i said before, EVERY bit of information provided by him is extremely valuable and it's surely not similar to that complete crap you come along across the web so often these days. John Reese is absolutely the top guru to be listening to and he loves to overdeliver. You just gotta trust me. Once again: you will thank me for making you become more aware of him and his future projects.
I myself can't wait to hear more of his secrets (yes, he does keep his techniques & strategies private. They wouldn't be that powerful if he revealed them all). And we all sure as hell know that John Reese knows what he's talking about.
What i am trying to say here is that once his Baby (income.com) has launched the internet marketing community will never ever remain the same again! Let me repeat that, nothing will remain the same again, guaranteed. (Yes, it's going to be that powerful)
Greetings, your personal Reese Reporter
P.S One hint: Check out the domain: www.Income.com and you'll get a clue of what I'm talking about :) Uuups, am i revealing something here? :)
P.S.S Imagine how much his new domain is worth - Must be worth more than gold, if you ask me :)
Get The Free Reese Report NOW: John Reese Shows You Exactly How to Make Huge Money Online And Start Profiting From Your VRE Immediately. Free Issue! For A Very limited Time You Can Download A Free Copy Of The Most Valuable Internet Marketing Publication Ever Created...
Labels: income.com, internet marketing community, john reese project launch
Update On John Reese's Expert Trip To China
0 Comments Published by admin on Sunday, September 03, 2006 at 3:48 AM.i hope you read my last post (lot's of information on the exiting China Trip coming up). However, I just got an e-mail from John. He send me an apoligize for something that went wrnog through the outcoming process of the project: Let me just quote him here real quick:
As it turns out, a lot of people went to check out that interview thing with Brad Fallon, and many were interested in the China Field Trip, but...
They couldn't find all the details about the trip -- it was accidentally
sort of hidden with the opt-in box on that page. But it was kind of confusing...
Get The Full Scoop Here:
There you go. That's the page. :-)
Just go there and learn all about the exciting upcoming China Field Trip.
* Spots are being snapped up quickly.
If you want to check out the amazing interview thing go to this site to watch the video:
Yep, that's it. So hope you're taking you are taking your chances and are at least
heading over to the man's website for some valuable Information. Cya around folks...
Get The Free Reese Report NOW: John Reese Shows You Exactly How to Make Big Money Online And Start Profiting From Your VRE Immediately. Free Issue! For A Very limited Time You Can Download A Free Copy Of The Most Valuable Internet Marketing Publication Ever Created...
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John Reese Is Heading To China! Free Video & Invitation Only Here!
0 Comments Published by admin on Friday, September 01, 2006 at 9:22 AM.He is going to china with his friend Brad Fallon! And you know what, he wants you to come with him!
And you know what else? He also prepared a free video for you explaining why this trip is your fortune! Click on the following link to get it for free:
Brad & John Reese Video To China
I already hear you asking: Why the hell should i be interested in some chinese video with a guy named John Reese ? :))
Oh boy, if that's what your asking i can't help it, you are just about to miss something really big (like always when John Reese is involved), that's all ;-) Here's the reason why you should get into this amazing project: You guessed right: Business & Money!
Again I am hearing that whispering voice of yours: " China! i ain't got no Time & Money to go to China just for some small cash!"
Damn dude, you don't want me to force you into it, don't ya :))
Ok ok, all i am saying, go hit the link and watch the video and be overwhelmed ...afterwards come back & thank me for the amazing secrets which were revealed to you. Alone to know the exact reasons why CHINA is the future for making Business just by watching this free video is worth $$ alone.. But that's not all. John is inviting you in his circle of trust (only 40 people are allowed on the business trip) and therefore allowing you to make some extra fine cash, guaranteed.
I can tell you: John Reese's words are gold in his mouth, when applied rightly to your Business. Again :-) Don't miss out on this free Resource - Get your free John Reese China Video right here:
Brad & John Reese Video To China
Get Your Free Reese Report NOW: John Reese Shows You Exactly How to Make Big Money Online And Start Profiting From Your VRE Immediately. Free Issue! For A Very limited Time You Can Download A Free Copy Of The Most Valuable Internet Marketing Publication Ever Created... Click Here
Virtual Real Estate - Hyper VRE A Spyare Software?
4 Comments Published by admin on Tuesday, August 29, 2006 at 12:07 PM.By now you may have come across references to 'HyperVRE.com', a website offering a free piece of Windows software that generates 'niche' websites for you automatically. Being in the business, and interested in 'VRE', or 'Virtual Real Estate', I have, of course, signed up for this service and downloaded / tested the free software. Here's what I found.
The software is interesting, and some considerable work appears to have gone into it. However, the complexity appears to be so extreme that it continually falls over on my XP machine. In order to get it to run to completion, I had to move it to my old Windows 98 system, where it took a not too unreasonable 35 minutes to generate a 120 page niche website.
The website was composed of static HTML pages, with references to my adsense code, and a number of RSS feeds relevant to the topic I had chosen. The process of generating the site is fairly simple, follow a dozen or so steps then you will be presented with a batch of html files you can upload to your web server with your FTP client.
There's nothing particularly difficult about the steps, you just enter a list of keywords (or select them from a file) and choose various other things such as RSS feeds, font colors and so on, then click the button to generate. After uploading to the web server, I could see the pages pretty much as they had looked on my windows machine, and the RSS feeds filled as expected.
So far so good. I then noticed something interesting - constant references to a site I am familiar with, and completely irrelevant to the topic of my niche. Upon further investigation, I discovered that you can 'brand' your copy of HyperVRE and give it to people. When they use it, the software 'secretly' (as it says on the HyperVRE website) inserts this affiliate's link all over every site you generate. Investigating further, I discovered that this MLM idea seemed to be the reason the software was free, as the owners of HyperVRE embed their websites in the generated html code too, as a quick check at the whois proved.
To make matters worse, my 'packetsniffer' alerted me almost immediately that the HyperVRE software itself was sneakily monitoring me - passing both my niche topic, keyword list, and other information back to the HyperVRE server whenever an internet connection was present - in other words, it was loaded with spyware.
There may be a way to disable the spyware, there may not. Of equal concern is the fact that the generated site had a HUGE footprint, no matter which one of the free 27 templates I chose, meaning that Google and other search engines would have no problem at all tracking down these generated sites and automatically banning them, together with my adsense account. The RSS feeds would also be a problem, as would the random definitions and articles - duplicate content on PR0 sites isn't good news, especially if the 'viral' idea embedded in it kicks in and large numbers of people start using it - obviously the owners have no control over who ends up with a copy and generates millions of spam pages with it.
So - pros:- It's free. Cons:- Pretty much everything else. Use it at your own risk, is my own personal opinion, and I would certainly not consider adding it to my arsenal. Oh, one final point, use a disposable email address for the contact when you sign up - the quantity of spam from HyperVRE is unbelievable, as is the attempted upsell to the 'silver / gold' edition.By John Reese
Get The Free Reese Report NOW: John Reese Shows You Exactly How to Make Big Money Online And Start Profiting From Your VRE Immediately. Free Issue! For A Very limited Time You Can Download A Free Copy Of The Most Valuable Internet Marketing Publication Ever Created...
Tags: Adsense Google Online Internet Marketing Advertise Publisher Blogging Blogger Secrets Niche Tip Tips Money Making VRE Wordpress Empire Virtual Real Estate Website
John Reese's #1 Secret At His Birthday Revealed. Are You Curious?
0 Comments Published by admin on Sunday, August 27, 2006 at 9:14 AM.However, if you haven't heard from him yet then listen closely...
John Reese is the #1 Internet Marketing Expert! When John speaks, you listen (room quiet)...
Howcome? Is he some genius gifted with a special rare talent or what? No, not really....
It's because... John Reese knows the main ingredient to Online Succes:
Test, Test,Test and again Test!!! You are allowed to do everything wrong BUT you
gotta do this right: Keep testing what works and what doesn't, as simple as
that! If you don't do this persistently how in the world do you know where to
spend your precious money & time on?
Hope you're seeing the power of this simple advice that John Reese wholeheartely believes in.
P.S Happy Birthday John And Thanks For Sharing With Us :)
Get The Free Reese Report NOW: John Reese Shows You Exactly How to Make Big Money Online And Start Profiting From Your VRE Immediately. Free Issue! For A Very limited Time You Can Download A Free Copy Of The Most Valuable Internet Marketing Publication Ever Created...
Virtual Real Estate - Build Your Niche Empire The Right Way - Free Reese Report Shows You Exactly How!
0 Comments Published by admin on at 12:01 AM.in my recent posts i adviced you to download the free Reese Report and i hope you really did it.
If not, here's the direct download link again:
Free Reese Report - Build Your VRE Adsense Empire
Now let me tell you why I think you should get this free report:
- First of all: The Report is written by John Reese and therefore you're in the best Marketer's hands one could ever be. His stuff works and he definitely knows what he's talking about.
- I bet you don't want to miss out on some extra cash that you could be earning right now if you had read the Report already. The earlier, the better!
- Build a passive Income stream and make money from the comfort of your home
- Don't believe the hype out there - John is the right Person to learn from! He tells you exactly how he made 500000$ a year from Adsense only (imagine his affiliate comissions).
I hope you'r gonna like it and also appreciated my (free) resources so far. There is no need to buy expenisve Marketing Courses - You just gotta research the web harder and you may find some valuable Information(and save you some cash).
You can always buy a more expensive Marketing Course after you made some money. You see, I want you to keep heading forward towards your goal. I'm not gonna tell you that you need to buy one more course to get going. Now is the time!
Good Luck!
Get The Free Reese Report NOW: John Reese Shows You Exactly How to Make Big Money Online And Start Profiting From Your VRE Immediately. Free Issue! For A Very limited Time You Can Download A Free Copy Of The Most Valuable Internet Marketing Publication Ever Created... Click Here
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Adsense Video Free Traffic Niche Internet Marketing Advertising Reese Report Vre Virtual Real Estate Free Web Site Traffic
Del.icio.us Tags: John Adsense Video Reese Free Traffic Niche Internet Marketing Advertising Reese Report Vre Virtual Real Estate Free Web Site Traffic
Free Interview With John Reese And Alice Seba
0 Comments Published by admin on Saturday, August 26, 2006 at 5:19 PM.Today I have something really special for all John Reese/Traffic Secrets Fans. You can now get a very valuable Interview with John Reese (pdf) for free! Let me just list real quick what you're gonna learn when reading through this Interview:
- Testing & Tracking - Why it is the key to easily beat your Competitors
- The Real Secret To Online Success
- Why E-mail is CRUCIAL To Your Online Success
- The #1Reason Why Pay Per Click Traffic Is So Important
- Outsourcing
- Automating Your Business
Here's the download link (right click & safe):
Interview with John Reese
Maybe you were already thinking about purchasing The Traffic Secrets Course but you can't afford it due to the high Price Tag (1000$)? Still, you don't wanna miss out on some really valuable Information provided by John Reese, right? Then this is for you! Congratulations, this is gold in your hands IF you act upon it . Only then will you be succesful with it.
However, try to grab your free copy of this Interview as I think that virtually everybody can profit from it.
You can either download it dirictly through this Link : Interview with John Reese
OR (what i suggest): Read what Alice herself has to say about John Reese at her homepage FIRST: Alice Seba's Interview with John Reese -Homepage
Enjoy! :-)
Technorati tags: John Reese Free Reese Traffic Secrets Internet Marketing Advertising Interview Alice Seba Course ebook report free traffic
Del.icio.us Tags: John Reese Free Reese Traffic Secrets Internet Marketing Advertising Interview Alice Seba Course Ebook Report Free Traffic
John Reese is no doubt THE expert when it comes down to Internet Marketing and in particular to Traffic Generation.
I did my homework and went to find out all there is to know about this amazing man and I've certainly found interesting Things indeed - Let me tell ya...
First of all I love John Reese for what he is and his unique content. He stands out of the rest of the crowd and actually overdelivers his customers.
I bet there are many folks out there that totaly agree with me.
However, I've spend quit some time researching on John Reese and found the information pretty helpful!
So I thought why not create a blog and share my insights so that everybody could profit from it. Now: i hope you realize when reading through the valuable content on John Reese that this is a huge Time Saver. I already did the research for you.
I hardly think there is a site out there that delivers so much content about one particular expert (such as John Reese is) Well, here's what you will get from this blog:
- Resources recommended by John Rees
- Articles posted by John Rees
- John Reese 's Products that will blow your mind!
- And much more to come...lot' more...
Enjoy and loads of Fun by the way! :-)
Get The Free Reese Report NOW: John Reese Shows You Exactly How to Make Big Money Online And Start Profiting From Your VRE Immediately. Free Issue! For A Very limited Time You Can Download A Free Copy Of The Most Valuable Internet Marketing Publication Ever Created... Click Here
John Reese - Four Huge Mistakes Ebay Sellers Make (Even Some Moderately Successful Ones)
0 Comments Published by admin on Tuesday, August 22, 2006 at 2:47 PM.That technique starts with avoiding mistakes like these -- mistakes Ive seen people make every day for those same seven years. If youre doing any of these four things, youre leaving money on the table with every single item you sell.
* Listing an item at the wrong time. Its a proven fact more buyers browse Internet auction sites on Sunday evenings than any other time during the week. If your auction is scheduled to end at any other time than Sunday evenings (specifically between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. Eastern time), youre not getting the maximum exposure for your auction at a time when people are most eager to buy. * Not giving your photos the attention they deserve.
There are two common mistakes people make with the photos they use to entice buyers on eBay. One is not having enough pictures to accompany your items description. Over the years, Ive learned pictures of your item are one of the most important components of your sales page. (There are many reasons for this, but I dont have the space to go into much detail here.) Multiple pictures from various angles will ALWAYS help you get higher bids for your products. The second mistake is not making sure the pictures are up and running on whatever server youre using BEFORE you list your item
. How many times have you been browsing an auction site and seen a blank box where a picture of the item should have been? Thats a seller whos losing money because of a very simple, and very common, oversight. * Using "Las Vegas style" listings. Im sure you know what Im talking about here. A Las Vegas listing is one that uses all kinds of flashing animation, multicolored text and other bells and whistles in an attempt to entice bidders. In fact, it does just the opposite. Listings like these are distracting, hard to read, and will always discourage people from bidding, resulting in a lower final sales price. The descriptions that you give of your item on your sales page ARE NOT designed to get a buyers attention (you already have that if theyve clicked on your listing in the first place
). They should be designed to get someone to actually place a bid. * Using a reserve. Using a reserve to guarantee that youll get a minimum price for an item will absolutely kill your auction. Trust me, Ive seen it happen too many times to not accept this as a given. In fact, I often use other sellers auctions that have a reserve as a way to pick up items at ridiculously low prices that I can sell "the right way" for a huge profit a few days later -- but thats a different article altogether. For now, just realize that nothing scares away potential bidders better than seeing the "Reserve Not Yet Met" tag. If youre truly concerned about a minimum price, simply set your starting price a little higher. John Reese has been actively involved with online auctions and eBay since 1996. Mr. Reese has written several articles on the subject and has recently created the "Internet Auction Secrets" Video for teaching others how to start, run, and manage a successful online auction business from home.
His 2-Hour Step-By-Step Video comes with access to a "Student's Only" web site where his students can keep up with the latest tips, tricks, and techniques. You can learn about how *you* can become one of his students at: http://www.auctionsecrets.com NOTE to Editors: Feel free to join our affiliate program and substitute your own affiliate link for our URL in bio box. Go to http://www.auctionsecrets.com/affiliateprogram.html
Get The Free Reese Report NOW: John Reese Shows You Exactly How to Make Big Money Online And Start Profiting From Your VRE Immediately. Free Issue! For A Very limited Time You Can Download A Free Copy Of The Most Valuable Internet Marketing Publication Ever Created... Click Here
Grab Your Free Reese Report Containing Valuable Marketing Tips Now! Trust Me - You Can't Live Without Them :-)
0 Comments Published by admin on Monday, August 21, 2006 at 12:56 PM.I just wanted to remind you that there is a Free Reese Report available and just waiting for you to be picked up. The Report containing lots of valuable marketing tips is something you definitely don't wanna miss. Trust me on this one :) This is what you will learn ( Remember it's free):
- How To Build Your Own VRE (Virtual Real Estate) Empire And Reasons Why You Should Start Now!
- How To Find Profitable Niches.
- How To Boost Your Incoe With Adsense - The Real Way!
- And Much More...
Make sure you grab your Free Reese Report as long as it is available and stay ahead of your competitors. Good Luck!
P.S I want to thank you for reading my Blog and wish you all the best! You can get your Free Reese Report here: Free Reese Report
Get The Free Reese Report NOW: John Reese Shows You Exactly How to Make Big Money Online And Start Profiting From Your VRE Immediately. Free Issue! For A Very limited Time You Can Download A Free Copy Of The Most Valuable Internet Marketing Publication Ever Created... Click Here
Labels: Free Reese Report
Highlights Of My First Seminar Presentation by John Reese
0 Comments Published by admin on at 12:46 PM.Here are a few things that I recently shared in my first ever formal seminar presentation:
1. All of your marketing online must be designed for IDIOTS.
A lot of people laughed when I showed them a slide saying how the "secret" demographic for Internet Marketing success was that 98% of people online were idiots. But it's the truth.
In order to achive maximum RESULTS you must design your marketing so a complete idiot will know EXACTLY what you want them to do.
Don't create pages with a bunch of OPTIONS for people to take. Give people 1 or 2 options. Period. The more options, links, buttons, etc. you give people, the more likely you are to not have prospects take the desired actions you want them to take.
Internet Marketing success (just like Direct Marketing) is all about one thing -- RESULTS. Nothing else matters.
So your task is to get your prospects to do what you want them to -- click a certain link, download a particular file, or get them to submit a form -- like an optin form, or an order form, or a survey.
But in order to get the MAXIMUM number of prospects to take that "call to action" that you want them to take, you must make it BRAIN DEAD SIMPLE. If you do, you'll get more people opt-ing in. And, oh yeah, you'll also get more orders.
Now I know what you're thinking...
"John, this is common sense."
Yes, it is. But you know what? 99% of marketers online are currently using marketing that's too complicated.
They are also trying to use too much GUESSWORK to run their businesses. Which leads me to something else I shared...
2. The *Real* Internet Profit Formula is this:
Part 1: YES or NO Part 2: MORE or LESS
That's it. Game. Set. Match. That's the entire formula for Internet Marketing success.
I know you probably want to be told it's some other "magical" formula that's more complicated, but it's not. That's *THE* actual formula to make as much money online as you want.
Here's how it works...
Every "call to action" you want a prospect to take (such as clicking a link, downloading a file, or submitting a form) must be tracked. The result of that tracking everytime will be YES or NO. "X" number of people did take that call to action, and the rest did not.
If you take the total number of unique "YES" calls to action, and you divide them by the total number of unique visitors to the web page where the call to action was you get a CONVERSION RATIO.
For example, if 100 people visit a web page where you have an opt-in form, and 10 people opt-in, your "conversion ratio" for that opt-in form is 10% (10/100).
Got it?
Then here's Part 2 of the process...
Now you create a slightly modified version of the web page where that opt-in form is (maybe you giveaway a different bonus if people opt-in, or call your ezine something else as a test, or use different colors on the page, etc.) and you run a SPLIT-TEST.
A split-test is simply where you will take your web site traffic and equally distribute them to two different web pages -- like the two opt-in pages, in this example. One is your original page, the second is the slightly modified version. It's basically like sending "every other" visitor to the other page. (I'll explain HOW to do all of this in a moment.)
You will track the results on each of these pages separately. When the results are in, and you calculate the "conversion ratio" for each, you will have a WINNER.
One of the pages will create MORE results ("YES"s) and the other page will create LESS.
You simply now start using the page that created MORE and you'll want to now test another version in a split-test against that version. You want to constantly try to improve upon your results.
The more you improve, the more money you make. It's just that simple.
I will teach you about some other testing methods in the near future, but for now you should have at least a basic grasp on why it's so important.
Ok, so HOW do you implement this?
Well, to be perfectly honest with you, there isn't a 100% "perfect" service that I can "highly" recommend you use -- because the existing ones have some problems that keep them from being 100% accurate.
But for now, using "something" is better than nothing. I recommend checking out "Clickalyzer" at: http://www.clickalyzer.com
You can use this service to start tracking the results of calls to action. You simply paste a little bit of code on the page where the call to action is, and then some other code on the "thank you" page of that call to action (or whatever page you serve next to people after they take the action).
This code simply creates a hidden "counter" that you can then take those numbers and do the math on to figure out your conversion ratios -- as I described above.
I'm not sure if Clickalyzer will allow you to run split tests or not -- I haven't used their service in ages. It didn't when I had tried it.
If that's the case, you should check out Marty Foley's "Split Test Gold" script at: http://profitinfo.com/catalog/v4/
Marty is a great marketer. I have known Marty for years. He has some other great stuff you might want to check out on his main site: http://www.profitinfo.com
I, personally, use my own proprietary technology (that I had programmed for my own use) to do my testing and tracking. What I use is quite a bit more powerful than what's currently available for marketers to use.
However, I *will* be allowing others to use my testing and tracking "system" very soon! I've had many of my Internet marketing friends BEG ME to come out with a service with it, so I am *finally* going to do it.
I will be launching this new service very soon. It will allow you to EASILY track, test, and improve on all of your marketing results automatically.
I will email you as soon as it's ready to go.
I honestly believe that "Testing and Tracking" is 90% of the equation for making money online. I can't stress how important it is.
And on another note about testing and tracking, here's a BOMBSHELL I dropped during my presentation...
3. Header graphics almost always HURT conversion rates!
This was a big shocker to the crowd.
I discovered this myself after testing some different things. (I test stuff like mad.)
I finally decided to run a true split test with one of my sites to see how a version WITHOUT the header graphic would do against the original version. Almost all marketers online are using pretty header graphics across the top of their direct marketing "mini sites" -- myself included! I just "assumed" someone had originally TESTED it and found it to produce more sales than just having a sales letter with no graphic.
I was wrong -- and so are thousands of other people that are using header graphics on their sites right now.
RESULT: The version without the header graphic produced 37% MORE SALES!
Yes, 37% more sales. That's a HUGE difference. In fact, I was kicking myself for not having tested this before. I can't imagine (I don't want to think about it) how much money I lost because I had a site designed like other people's mini sites.
But maybe this was a FLUKE? Maybe this was just the case with *MY* site. Maybe my header graphic was too ugly, or too distracting, or the filesize was too big? Maybe it only made a difference in MY case.
So I picked up the phone and gave my close friend Stephen Pierce a call. I ask Stephen to do me a favor and run a test for about a week -- I knew that he was getting tons of traffic to his "Whole Truth" site everyday and would be able to get conclusive results of a test very quickly.
Stephen agreed and began running a test of the same version of his site but without a header graphic.
RESULT: The version without the header graphic produced 50% MORE SALES!
Do you think Stephen was HAPPY about this? :-)
This one simple change is going to produce THOUSANDS of dollars in sales (each month) that he would not have been making.
You can see his current site at: http://www.the-whole-truth.com
This is the POWER of testing and tracking.
I still wasn't 100% sure that the "No Header" test was conclusive. I wanted MORE PROOF.
So I called my buddy Armand Morin on the phone. As you may know, Armand actually sells a popular product called, "Header Generator"! This great product produces beautiful graphic headers for people to use on their sites.
As you can imagine, Armand wasn't totally excited to hear the news I shared with him about my test and Stephen's test. But you know what? Armand's response was the same response of any great marketer...
"I need to test it right now!"
Even Armand understands that it's not about ego and that it's all about RESULTS. He just wants to use whatever will make him the most money!
So Armand ran a split-test with a header version against a no header version. He had just released a new product, "FlashPal Generator" (www.flashpalgenerator.com) and decided to test it on this site.
RESULT: The version without the header graphic produced...
Are you ready for this?
Now, this "No Header" vs. "Header" design issue may not be the same for all sites. There might be some sites that look more professional with a header and that allows them to sell more than maybe a version without a graphic header. Our tests consistently showed the version with no header graphic produced more sales, but as with anything TEST IT YOURSELF and go by YOUR RESULTS.
Don't just take my word for it. Test it and see what works best with your site. It's just possible that your site may sell better WITH a graphic header.
The "reason" behind why the no header version outproduces the header version is probably because the HEADLINE (showing the primary BENEFITS) is pushed farther down on the page and people may not even get a chance to read it before they decided to leave.
Some people will only spend 10 seconds on your site before leaving and if they see that header first, that may be all they check out before making the decision to leave.
If people read the headline and get sucked into the copy, they are more likely to continue reading the sales letter -- and thus more likely to BUY.
You know, there's a reason that sales letters that sold MILLIONS of dollars worth or products and services for YEARS in direct mail didn't have a big graphic "strip" across the top like a graphic header. I'm sure with the millions of sales letters that were tested someone tried it and it didn't work as well.
There's a lot we can learn from Direct Marketing masters. Even, though, the Internet is INTERACTIVE, many of the 50 year old + techniques still work today online.
John Reese is an Internet Marketing pioneer that has been actively marketing online since 1990. John has sold millions of dollars worth of products and services online and his network of Web Sites have received over 1.4 BILLION Web Site visitors since their inception. You can learn more about John, his home study courses, and subscribe to his free ezine by visiting:
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