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Update On John Reese's Expert Trip To China

Hello again,

i hope you read my last post (lot's of information on the exiting China Trip coming up). However, I just got an e-mail from John. He send me an apoligize for something that went wrnog through the outcoming process of the project: Let me just quote him here real quick:

As it turns out, a lot of people went to check out that interview thing with Brad Fallon, and many were interested in the China Field Trip, but...

They couldn't find all the details about the trip -- it was accidentally
sort of hidden with the opt-in box on that page. But it was kind of confusing...


Get The Full Scoop Here:

There you go. That's the page. :-)

Just go there and learn all about the exciting upcoming China Field Trip.

* Spots are being snapped up quickly.

If you want to check out the amazing interview thing go to this site to watch the video:

Yep, that's it. So hope you're taking you are taking your chances and are at least
heading over to the man's website for some valuable Information. Cya around folks...

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John Reese Is Heading To China! Free Video & Invitation Only Here!

John Reese did it again: Another attempt to overdeliver in a huge way! So what is he up to?

He is going to china with his friend Brad Fallon! And you know what, he wants you to come with him!

And you know what else? He also prepared a free video for you explaining why this trip is your fortune! Click on the following link to get it for free:

Brad & John Reese Video To China

I already hear you asking: Why the hell should i be interested in some chinese video with a guy named John Reese ? :))

Oh boy, if that's what your asking i can't help it, you are just about to miss something really big (like always when John Reese is involved), that's all ;-) Here's the reason why you should get into this amazing project: You guessed right: Business & Money!

Again I am hearing that whispering voice of yours: " China! i ain't got no Time & Money to go to China just for some small cash!"

Damn dude, you don't want me to force you into it, don't ya :))

Ok ok, all i am saying, go hit the link and watch the video and be overwhelmed ...afterwards come back & thank me for the amazing secrets which were revealed to you. Alone to know the exact reasons why CHINA is the future for making Business just by watching this free video is worth $$ alone.. But that's not all. John is inviting you in his circle of trust (only 40 people are allowed on the business trip) and therefore allowing you to make some extra fine cash, guaranteed.

I can tell you: John Reese's words are gold in his mouth, when applied rightly to your Business. Again :-) Don't miss out on this free Resource - Get your free John Reese China Video right here:

Brad & John Reese Video To China


Get Your Free Reese Report NOW: John Reese Shows You Exactly How to Make Big Money Online And Start Profiting From Your VRE Immediately. Free Issue! For A Very limited Time You Can Download A Free Copy Of The Most Valuable Internet Marketing Publication Ever Created... Click Here

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